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light-language by Aura Youniverse

Renewal Alchemy

Alchemy is transforming the lowest form of something, into its highest aspect and expression; it is the purification process of the mind, body and heart. By alchemizing the denser frequencies, such as our pain, we release trauma and unfavorable habits, integrate our infinite aspect and heal our body and our inner and outer environment.

Alchemy is the art of transcendence. This modality does not require a trance state. We access the subconscious mind by using a light relaxation and spontaneity, quick answers uninfluenced by your conscious mind.

Explore your current human experience and address any imbalance that you are facing in your daily life. Access deeper information to release trauma, heal and recalibrate your physical, mental, emotional and energetic body, achieve balance and harmony, receive clarity and embody your truth, joy and life purpose.

I encourage you to use this innate skill and apply it whenever you need to.


Prepare for your session

The following video and the guide book that you will receive describe this process of reconnecting with yourself. We connect remotely, through Zoom, from anywhere in the world. Your session will be recorded and optimized to ensure a good audio quality. All you need is to create a list of questions that you want your soul to answer,  have a strong internet connection, headphones with a microphone attached, a computer and send your questions to me latest 24 hours prior to your session.

I can't wait to meet you! ❤

(Check your Junk & Spam folder for the email with the zoom link & Guide Book. If you can't find it, please contact me.)

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What Happens During a Session

A session is 60 to 90 minutes long, for 2 questions and consists of:
Pre-Talk (~15 min) - We discuss your questions
Consciousness Exploration (~40 - 60 min) - Your higher self and subconscious mind answer your questions.
Short debriefing (~5 min) - we review your experience.

Renewal Alchemy is comprised of

  • Relaxation Techniques

  • Mindfulness Therapy

  • Compassionate Inquiry (Gabor Maté psychotherapeutic approach)

  • True Essence & Life Purpose Embodiment

  • Reconnect with your highest self

  • Integrate your multidimensional aspects

  • Release Trauma & Find clarity

  • Clearings & Recalibrations

  • DNA Activations

  • Energy Alchemy

  • Inner Child Work

  • Channeling

  • Quantum Connect (QC)

  • Shadow Work

  • Spirit Releasement Therapy

  • Your individual needs based on what your higher self deems best for you at the moment of the session

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