Lilla - Dec 2024
Having a Quantum Healing session for the first time, I have to say if was truly an amazing experience, probably even life changing I dare to say. Aura is a really warm, kind-hearted person and a very gifted healer. Her voice guided me to the exact places I needed to go in order to heal my pains and struggles. Held space for me to feel loved and supported. I really feel a deep sense of connection to my true essence since this experience. And how cool, is that, in our lifetime, we get to have access to this type of healing through unique brave Souls like Aura! Thank you!!!!! Much love and gratitude!!!!
Andreea - Jun 2024
I can hardly find my words to describe how loved, supported, well guided and peaceful I felt during the session. Aura is such an incredible person and such a pure soul, the energy that she spreads around can be felt miles away and it has the power to lift you up no matter how low you may think you are. She is always there to answer any questions you might have about the process and she does it with such a joy that every reply empowers you and reassures you that you are on the right track. I cannot thank you enough, Aura! Sending lots of love and warm hugs your way.
Runa C. - May 2024
My session with Aura was meant as a gift for my birthday and I think is one the best ways to describe it. She was the most thoughtful, empathic guide and support for an experience that not only did me a lot of good at the time, but from which I will benefit years from now
I could not be more grateful! Its such a delightful and enriching honor to know you!
Multumesc din inima!
Lorena A - May 2024
In my opinion, Aura is a superior soul who came here to help us. Her soul aspects and her light that I saw in the session, convinced me about this. I looked at some reviews and noticed that we all became super excited, ecstatic after the sessions with her. Her presence and intervention in the form of a session are effectively healing. I received the recording of the session, I listened to it again and the healing energy was reactivated, just like in the session. I am so grateful for the help I received! I still live in a state of magic and miracle. Divine soul, Aura, thank you from my heart!!!
Jon Binnie - Oct 2023
Beyond words can explain. Thank you Aura for this truly incredible and beautiful session. You gracefully and powerfully guided me through such a fabulous journey. You took me to a lifetime where I was living the highest version of me that I seek in this lifetime. You saw me. You saw my soul origins. I am part angel, part dragon. You saw me as the sun, the fire at the center of my heart. You took me on a galactic journey and brought be through to beautiful pragmatic steps I can take forwards in my life. My business. My website. My clients. Thank you beautiful soul. You touched my soul. ♥️🙏
K C - Sep 2023
I am so very grateful to Aura for providing such a safe space to explore together and for the way she knows what questions to ask and when. I had an amazing session with her and would highly recommend.
Donnalynn Riley - Sep 2023
Aura is a powerful practitioner. When she worked with me, my whole energy changed, and my journey through grief was impacted amazingly so much ease, so much peace, so much joy! My life is greatly enhanced by aura’s talents. She is an incredibly, talented, healer, spiritual, leader, and inter-dimensional guide. If you’re thinking about working with her, I would say “do it! Do it! Do it! And your life will never be the same for the better!
Marieke Leliveld - Aug 2023
Truly truly profound and sacred!!My intentions for the session was/ is to fully embody my essence. What fascinates me is the divine guidance even weeks before the session is even scheduled, certain synchonisities.Yesterday I experienced my 3rd session via zoom with Aura and it was again breath takingly beautiful, profound, joyful, emotional, sacred, multidimensionally healing, and so much more. My energy body's fully re-calibrated, we visited important past life times, and activated the true god molecule/ purest of light through this profound souls journey within our multidimensional consciousness. I can feel the shifts and re-calibration within every cell and vibration, creating a complete alignment and activation within my soul's light, allowing me to fully embody my essence within human form.I can feel how my time/ space with Aura facilitates the healing within that allows me to enjoy my journey on Earth with deeper fulfillment and bliss. I will continue to have at least 1 session per year to stay within my alignment, it just feels sooooo good. Thank you from the deepest of my heart and soul.
Ioana - Apr 2023
I had an incredibly soft, patient, and tender session with Aura. She has such warmth of soul and character. Incredibly intuitive and a wonderful solar being, her youthful energy is enough to empower you. My session was focused on personal empowerment, origin story, and clearing negative attachments. Dedication to the Highest Good just emanates from her and this is something I will always appreciate in every lightworker. I can only encourage her to continue, there was much wisdom and experience in my session for someone so young.
Koen R. - Dec 2022
Since our session I have made many shifts.
Most special is that I can connect with Source/Higher Self easier. And get answers to all questions I have to recover and heal easier, and be more aligned.
It is really wonderful how valuable the answers always are and it makes me so strong. No need to reach out for help anymore. "I know it all myself". I also completely turned away from people with resistance, avoiding discussions and people that take energy from me. Since our session, I made some new connections. Business wise and personally. Beautiful pure and true connections that completely resonate with my soul. Since our session, I follow my heart better by doing things I didn't do before because of fear. It is pretty awesome. And since our session, I am finally away from the Phone addiction. I dont like to look at the Phone every 10 minutes to get a shot. I like to take real time to reply if someone reached out. And I really dont need all the chatter and Facebook likes anymore. I did not have nightmares anymore the past weeks. Or heavy processing. I even had Dreams that where joyfull. I woke up a few times in bliss. I notice, that the beeps where less to. And today they are a bit louder and it is much easier to just accept and be loving for it. Because I really had a lot of joy and adventures this week. And in our session the message was so clear, just accept the last recovery issues your body is releasing the toxic from the past and adjusting to all the new high energies. Taking it slow remains a bit of a challenge but I will get answers on that as well soon I have to tell you my feeling, is that I am so grateful for our connection and session. It made huge shifts happen. So, again, thank you, from my heart to yours. Thanks to you and your team I remember how to connect with my Higher Self and also to my heart much better and I cant wait to explore this new lifepath more and more. A big warm hug❤
Jennifer - Oct 2022
This was my first time having a hypnosis session, it was truly an amazing experience. This was a birthday gift to myself. I was guided to Aura, through my psychic dreams to have a session with her and guided to take this BQH course. It is amazing how the universe ( higher self ) guides us to the people we need to connect with in helping to understand my life purpose mission as a lightworker. I felt an instance soul connection with Aura and she made me feel so comfortable that I drifted into deep hypnosis state easily listening to her gentle and soothing voice. The session starts with saying my intentions for the session and while saying this felt chills all over. It was very emotional and so joyful to know my soul origins , and my higher self took me to the a future timeline, a possibility future path to understand my life purpose in this life. I also received healing in my throat Chakra with the assistance of Archangel Michael & Faith felt all old energies being transmitted into the light. After session received more DNA upgrades. And feel more ready to step into my life purpose role as a lightworker & healer. I'm so grateful to connect with Aura for helping me. I'm very excited to take this course, because going thru this process myself, I have learned so much from Aura. We are all mirrors of ourselves as One, Aura helped me see my potential and my higher self guided us for our session. I've been a psychic medium & Angel channel& recently been activated to my healing abilities and during my session, understand my role and purpose to help others awaken. I ad fears of putting myself out their publicly, now after my session with Aura has shifted my energy into stepping into my own power, my gifts, also my higher self wanted me to know that IAM here to assist with DNA activating others , so I understand my purpose and all my fears are gone. I AM ready to fully align with my life purpose. Thank-you Aura for taking this journey together during this session. I AM so grateful.
I highly recommend Aura for a session.
Love, light, blessings.
Ulrika - Sep 2022
I have never done anything like this before and Aura made me feel so at ease and calm before we started. The session was amazing and super emotional. I really, really recommend Aura. Thanks so much!!
Winkte - Sep 2022
I have tried but never really been able to interact with my "higher self" on my own doing meditation or dreams for more then just a few minutes. The quantum healing session I had with Aura Ruxandra allowed me to interact with my higher self for over an hour, as well as an ascended master who was a grandfather in another life, and a few interactions directly with Source/God. This was only possible thru the gifted clairvoyant talent of Aura Ruxandra who has mastered the ability thru hypnosis to take one on an stimulating interactive journey to your "higher self" and to thus get answers which seemed so easy once transported to the higher realm. The real surprise was brief interactions with Source/ God as her voice seems to replicate the pure energy that is present between our 'higher self" and Source/God. I did this as a birthday gift to myself and started seeing positive changes, confidence, peace, and harmony abounding within hours of the session. This is continuing daily since the session. Give yourself this wonderful gift of "higher self" interaction to get answers to life's questions. Best birthday gift ever and Loved it!!!
Iulia - Aug 2022
Prin ghidarea Aurei, care este spirit pur intrupat sa ne indrume, invete, sustina catre descoperirea autenticului, iubirii, pacii, increderii, libertatii, puterii, recunostintei, bucuriei Universului care se afla in fiecare dintre noi, am ajuns, in cea de a doua sesiune sa ma intorc la mine, la noi, sa inteleg ca in aceasta calatorie tot ce TREBUIE este sa fiu, lucru care mereu mi-a parut egoist, insa acum am inteles, a fi iti ofera tot ce ai nevoie pentru a fi tu pentru tine echilibru si armonie cat si pentru ceilalti, cum mereu mi am dorit si nu am stiut cum, fiind pot emite tot ce se afla mai bun in mine, necontaminat de vibratii joase.
Astazi sunt si cam atat, cu grija, pasi mici si constanti, am sa pot fi si pentru restul fiintelor.
"Fii, iubire!"
Profunda recunostinta ca esti, minune, si ca ma insotesti in aceasta calatorie!
Zia - Jul 2022
Alaturi de Aura am avut parte de trezirea mea spirituala! A fost o sedinta minunata in care mi-am redescoperit si amintit originea si nu numai! Datorita Aurei si minunatei ei magii, acum am inteles misiunea mea pe Pamant! Multumesc enorm draga mea! Esti miiinunata! As repeta experienta aceasta la infinit!!!
Jacob - Jul 2022
I just had the most amazing session with Aura. I healed past traumas, experienced my origins, traveled to source and beyond. Learned how to heal myself, how to release old patterns and much more. Absolutely wonderful practitioner. Very generous, competent and loving!
Monica - Apr 2022
No words can describe the beautiful feeling that I experienced; from the moment I connected with Aura, to the after session, and of course during the session. Completely supported, enveloped by love and a feeling of empowerment that keep on growing as hours elapse. Its such a blessing and honor to have had this experience along your side Aura, thank you beautiful soul. If you are doubting you need to have this session, the answer is yes, you need gift your soul and your physical body this experience, at least once in this time life. With much love, and gratitude... Monica.
Sukistar - Apr 2022
If you are a sage, mystic, healer or any type of energy worker Aura is a completely next level being that can hold space to journey safely and has created a direct system in her mini OIM session. One can target a specific and take care of business. Aura will give you excellent tools to continue your expansion. Auras magick is REAL and very potent. Aura is an extreme high vibration that is THE safe way to go, and will assist the client to a higher heart space where the real healing begins, we ARE blessed to have access to AURA in this HERE AND NOW Blessings and many thank yous see you next year my friend.
Ines - Mar 2022
The sesson gave me the posability to feel more close to the Source. I felt so still after the session and i still do. I feel more "me". Aura is magic with her gentile soul and her voice. Thank you very much for this experience.
Alexandru D. - Dec 2021
I had an amazing experience with Aura. She is such a wonderful person and she puts so much love and attention into what she does. She helped me relax and helped me obtain answers to all my questions. I highly recommend her. I recommend these sessions to anybody that wants to know more about who they really are and why they are here.
Nikola - Nov 2021
I had been planning on having a session with Aura for some time, and finally the divine timing happened in November. I needed to understand why I have chosen to come to Earth, even though I am actively channeling my higher self, I had never been fully clear on the very reason of my incarnation. I had been taken to a place of my origin, where everything is just perfect and I felt and understood my human experience from the higher self’s point of you. And now I can keep coming back to that feeling over and over again, which I am immensely grateful for. After BQH session with Aura everything felt extremely enlightened, loving and simple. I got my answers about my family in a way that I very deeply known, but I couldn’t grasp it, because my rational analytical mind has been blocking that knowledge.
This service is priceless and so needed in this world. It is truly beyond this world and it can take you places as far away as you allow yourself to.
Ann - Nov 2021
What an experience! I had an amazing BQH session with Aura. So much knowledge, wisdom and healing came through my session and it was such an experience to be in my highest energy. I highly recommend getting a session and I will definitely go in for one more in the future. I want thank you Aura for the amazing work that you do and for being such a awesome, magical and beautiful soul..
Seila R - Nov 2021
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️
Deeana - Oct 2021
My session with Aura was beyond everything I ever experienced in my life. I have done many different sessions even another form of hypnosis but nothing like Aura's. First she is brilliant and speaks so many languages so for me to be able to speak my native language with her (Romanian) was sooo powerful. Aura reached out to me in the hardest time of my life, in a time that no human should ever go through and I knew she will offer answers to why we are going through this time. Aura took me in a few past lives, one that I did a reading previous and I personally remember it too since then I have been trying to heal it but it seems that has been way more healing to be done! She invoked my daughter's higher self, and mine and the understanding that i received in that session is beyond words. You have to experience it to understand. I had my session one day before my baby girl passed away and if I didn't have the information I believe I would have been even more lost than I was. Nobody should have to experience this but to do and NOT understand would have destroyed me.
I am beyond grateful to Aura for being such a LOVING, CARING, GIVING, GIFTED, MAGICAL SOUL because she helped me see what was happening with my sweet girl. If you are wondering if you should get a session with her the answer is yes!!! You will get sooo much clarity so much knowing of who you are and why you are here. Forever grateful to you and you will always have a special place in my heart Aura! Thank you !!!
Corina V - Jul 2021
Aura is an extraordinarily beautiful and emphatic person. It's natural to her. The session was guided with so much skill, attention, empathy and emotion. If you "forget" to ask a question, don't worry!, she is completely emerged with you in your story and she knows what to ask in order to get the best for you! That's so awesome! My session not only helped me but also my family through my healing. Simply amazing. I am so grateful for this session that worked miracles for me and my family! ( I hope my english was clear enough❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Johanna J - Jun 2021
I had an amazing experience. Aura is such a wonderful and beautiful soul. She made me feel safe, protected and relaxed every step of the way, before during and after the session. She guided me with so much compassion, sensitivity, patience and love. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Kate T - Jun 2021
My experience with Aura was so beautiful. It was like meeting an old friend and connecting where we had left off in a previous life. Perhaps it is so! She made me feel comfortable prior to, during and after the session and was the perfect facilitator to help me to explore my essence and connect with my Higher Self. I was guided to her and knew that I could trust that the entire experience would unfold just as beautifully and effortlessly as it did. Having a session with Aura gives the same sensation as sitting in front of a warm fireplace on a cold night with a cup of hot tea and your favorite book -- it's just so natural and cozy and all you have to do is just BE.
Iuliana M - Mar 2021
I know Aura for a long time by following her activities on Facebook but I have not contacted her. After almost 2 years I had a deep calling to write to her. Very fast response and to my surprise, we have made an appointment 2 days after. That was mean to be so fast. The session was unbelievably nice and a space of unconditional love, her voice is melting my heart. Something beautiful happened because after this session I was able to attend to a course where before i could not, my Galactic family send a message that I was not ready for that course. After the session I got the green light to start the course I was wishing so much to take. I am so grateful for contacting Aura, It was amazing. I have a feeling that is not the only time I contact her for the session. Thank you so much Aura and many blessings.
Marieke Leliveld - Feb 2021
I'm beyond words! The BQH session I received from Aura was the most beautiful and profound experience I feel I've ever had. As a lightworker myself I've had beautiful divine experiences but nothing as aligning for the soul as this BQH session from Aura. The feelings running through my physical body are very interesting, still days after the session, it feels like I'm re-aligning my entire energy-structure on Quantum level, really subtle and profound. Higher self is coming through with more easy and grace. I can't find the exact words but also can continue to describe it for pages and pages ;)
So much love I experienced and continue to feel, the session with Aura was exactly what my soul needed. Thank you thank you thank you, infinite love & light
Hara Katsiki - Jan 2021
Aura is such a wonderful practitioner and a magnificent bright soul!
Heart-based, compassionate, intuitive, grounded and surrounded by immense light.
My BQH session with her was so deep and tender at the same time.
Highly recommended! Thank you for being among us star-sister!
Cole R - Jan 2021
I went into this amazing experience with an open mind and heart. I wasn't sure what to expect but I trusted myself and Aura and jumped in. She was a wonderful guide through my BQH journey. She is a kind, compassionate, and empathetic soul. This was life changing for me. I have answers now that have made me feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I highly recommend everyone to try this out, it's the most healing thing I've done for myself in a long time.
Suki Reese - Dec 2020
I am an Oracle and I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with Aura Moldavon and will continue to do so. Aura is a true alchemist and an extremely magical being who has embraced the higher realms expressing grace, fortitude and elegance. I am very blessed to have a college and a teacher who can expand my consciousness all the while holding that sacred, safe space that is of the utmost importance in these deep extraordinary sessions. I also practice shamanistic work and my review is that Aura is a crystal clear consciousness that can guide you and expand you in this amazing gratifying work. I trust her, if you work with her, I am confident you will feel the same
Nicoleta - Dec 2020
I had a few awakening moments and always felt connected with a voice, someone, a Force that speaks through me, either helping me understand the messages or confirming what i self realized. So i decided to undergo a past life regression session for a deeper understanding of this. The experience with Aura, who guided me in a very soft, gentle, yet profound way IT IS truly life changing! I have been reminded to trust, allow and flow with it, let it happened!
Regardless of the level of consciousness one has, a past life regression therapy should be considered. It should become the norm before any other therapy. It is life transforming! No matter what you do, don't miss the opportunity to work with Aura!
She was born to Shine and make others Shine ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Aura ❤️❤️❤️
Carjali Dilek - Dec 2020
The experience with Aura was so wonderful! I had a very relaxing session, where i felt secure, protected, going thru all my questions, i received all the answers i needed and much more. I recommend Aura and shes wonderful work!
Codruța - Oct 2020
I had my first bhq session with Aura, who is an extraordinary beautiful soul, gentle and kind who guided me with love, kindness and firmness to the realms of my origins, trough different timelines and trough time and space to find answers to my quests and questions. Thank you, Aura! You are amazing and I very grateful for every bit of time spend together and I thank you for all the information given along the way, besides the session. I send you love and light!
Gloria - Oct 2020
Aura is a beautiful shining soul guiding a session with so much sensitivity, strength, endurance and wisdom. and a beautiful heart. She is wonderfully fitted for this work and anybody can feel utterly safe and taken care of by her. Just her energy is very healing and the session is very well prepared and plenty of information given.
Dante M - May 2020
Very well arranged, facilitated, and delivered modality of healing. It was particularly helpful for anchoring me into the present moment. I am grateful for the opportunity, the experience and the insights. Thank you from the core of heart.
Daria - Apr 2020
Thank you Aura for this great experience! This was my first Quantum healing session and I’m so happy and thankful I did it with Aura. She is simply amazing! I felt so secure and “home” with her. She has such a wonderful, calming voice and her laugh is magic- she laughs with her heart. She took her time with me and I felt very relaxed with her. I got some very interesting answers to my questions and it was amazing to feel each other’s energies floating together. Thank you so much Aura, I am blessed! I love you very much!!!
Angelica - Apr 2020
I had my first quantom healing session with Aura today and it was way beyond any expectations I had (I'm quite good at having high expectations haha). She has an amazing energy that (for me at least) makes you feel calm, grounded and fully accepted so it was very easy to come into a relaxed state for the session. I felt she truly listened and was interested and also duting the session sometimes added a few questions with what came up so that we covered everything that could be and wanted to be at the time. I'm so greatful she gave me all the time I needed to go trough my questions. I felt really safe with her, she truly knows this area well. It feels like something that comes very natural to her and this i probably why the experience was sooooo incredibly deep and amazing. We managed to clear and get answers to stuff that has been with me from before this life and I had no idea how to solve. Before this I had tried different plant medicines in ceremonial ways and having those experiences I have kind of shrugged other stuff away as "I could never go deep with hypnosis or other stuff" but wow I was wrong. With the help of Aura I got to go deep in a clear, balanced and controlled way and felt safely guided and taken care of during the whole journey. Words are at a loss to explain how greatful I am for this experience it's just. Thank you from every part of my beeing everywhere Aura. The work you are doing is so important and priceless and the way you do it it's. I'm yes there are no words left to describe it. It's just so much muchness! I'm honored to have shared this session to you I send you my infinite love and gratitude! ♡
Corina - Apr 2020
Iti multumesc din suflet draga Aura! Experienta a fost minunata, iar sensibilitatea ta si atentia la detalii ajuta enorm la bunul mers al sesiunii. Iti doresc tot binele din lume si iti multumesc ca ai aparut in calea mea.
Hara - Febr 2020
I had my first ever BQH experience with Aura and it was nothing like expected.
I was very nervous and she made things so easy for me, her voice is the one of an angel, so soothing and calming. I had many questions before and they were all answered with love and kindness and I really felt she tailored everything to my needs and desires. We connected immediately and she is a wonderful person to guide one through the depths of their subconscious. I regret not entering the whole experience more relaxed and maybe a bit more prepared - the questions I prepared before the session could have been more "to the point" but even with me being vague she still knew exactly where to lead me.
I will forever cherish those moments with you Aura and I am now on a different path thanks to you!!!
Amanda - Nov 2019
This was my second session. The first one, I had no idea what to expect and while going through my first session I felt awkward and uncomfortable- even though my guide was so gentle. But going through this a second time with Aura was so wonderful! She’s so easy to talk to and talking is the main function of this process. I’m rather socially awkward so it’s not easy for me to open up and talk to people and be vulnerable. But Aura made putting my wall down easy. She has a beautiful laugh and kind eyes and a peaceful demeanor. Those qualities are so important when going through such an intimate experience. I love you Aura. I Thank you, I Honor you, and I’m Blessed to have been able to experience this with YOU! ❤️❤️❤️
Ludmila - Nov 2019
The session facilitated by Aura was such a beautiful and insightful journey. She created a safe space for me to be able to access the inner wisdom with such love, compassion and kindness. I would definitely recommend Aura to anyone who wishes to go deeper within their inner realms. She will gently guide you on this journey, while holding space for you to connect to your own remembrance. Thank you! Iti mulțumesc din suflet draga mea.
Kuba - Oct 2019
It was my first ever BQH session and it was a truly deep and wonderful experience, thanks to Aura. I knew a little bit about BQH beforehand, but experiencing it myself was something special and mind-opening. Aura takes a lot of care and makes sure the session provides you with all the answers and insight that is needed. The only thing I regret is not preparing well enough before the session. I thought that ocassional mediation and a very basic knowledge about BQH is more than enough, but the truth is that the more you come prepared the more you take out from the whole experience. I wholeheartedly recomend Aura's BQH session - it is truly a mind-expanding adventure of self discovery!
Max K - Oct 2019
I had my first ever BQH session with Aura, and it was an absolutely wonderful experience.I didn't know what to expect but decided to leave all expectations at the metaphorical door anyway, and just let her guide me into diving deep into the session. What came out, not only amazed me, but also explained everything I needed to know as well as shining light over a lot of other things too. She's a magical, wonderful, kind soul with an innate skill for this, who made the experience so easy and free of any doubt, or fear.I found it so easy to be guided by her through the journey, and what came through was beautiful. She is very gentle and great at helping you get to where you need to be, as well as having a very calming aura. The results were everything I needed and more, and I have nothing but trust in her and her skills. I am deeply thankful for this experience and opportunity. Thank you so much, Aura! Deeply grateful. Thank you!